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Synology - Moving Packages Between Volumes DSM 7.0

  1. Stop the application(s) via the Synology package center.

  2. Make sure that Telnet/SSH is enabled

  3. Login to Synology using SSH and elevate to root.

  4. Make sure that the volume you are moving the application(s) to have the following folders:

    1. @appstore

    2. @apphome

    3. @appconf

    4. @apptemp

      1. If they do not you will have to create them in super user mode “sudo -i” for all of the following commands

      2. sudo -i
        cd /volume2
        mkdir /volume2/@appstore
        mkdir /volume2/@apphome
        mkdir /volume2/@appconf
        mkdir /volume2/@apptemp
  5. Find the application that you need to move on the correct value

    1. Use “ls” against /VolumeX/@appstore to find your package folder name

    2. cd /volume1/@appstore
      ls -lart
      drwxr-xr-x 15 AudioStation               AudioStation               4096 Oct  6 22:37 AudioStation
      drwxr-xr-x 16 MediaServer                MediaServer                4096 Oct  6 22:40 MediaServer
      drwxr-xr-x  9 iTunesServer               iTunesServer               4096 Oct  6 22:41 iTunesServer
      drwxr-xr-x 23 SurveillanceStation        SurveillanceStation        4096 Jan 24 17:13 SurveillanceStation
    3. Use “mv” to move the data between the old and new volume, you may need to create the @appstore folder first.

    4. mv SurveillanceStation /volume2/@appstore/
  6. Now you will need to adjust Synology and relocate the parameters for the application(s) and where it is now moved to. this is done where the packages configurations live in “/var/packages”.

    1. cd /var/packages/SurveillanceStation
      ls -lrt
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    33 Oct  6 22:33 var -> /volume1/@appdata/UniversalViewer
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    33 Oct  6 22:33 tmp -> /volume1/@apptemp/UniversalViewer
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    34 Oct  6 22:33 target -> /volume1/@appstore/UniversalViewer
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    33 Oct  6 22:33 home -> /volume1/@apphome/UniversalViewer
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    33 Oct  6 22:33 etc -> /volume1/@appconf/UniversalViewer
    2. Now we have to remove the symbolic links and recreate them to point to volume2 using the “rm” to remove and the “ln -s” to recreate them.

    3. rm var tmp target home etc
      ln -s /volume2/@appdata/UniversalViewer var
      ln -s /volume2/@apptemp/UniversalViewer tmp
      ln -s /volume2/@appstore/UniversalViewer target
      ln -s /volume2/@apphome/UniversalViewer home
      ln -s /volume2/@appconf/UniversalViewer etc

  7. Repair your application(s) package in the Synology Package Centre.

    1. It will automatically re-download and restart